Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Blog final part 2

I learned a couple new things from taking this class. I learned more about German food and the culture like how people support being nudist. I learned more about the horrors of world war one by reading All Quiet on the Western Front. I also learned more about Prussia. I thought the class was ok for a once a week class. There wasnt too much work that made it ridiculous for a once a week class. The class discussions and research was fun, but watching presentations for two and a half hours was very annoying. We also hardly touched into the subject of German culture all we did was scrape the frosting off of the cake we never dove into the whole cake. I was fine with posting blog posts once a week that fulfilled a certain requirement it was the requirement itself I had a problem with because all the requirements were to write a minimum amount of words and have a relevant topic everything else was our decision to make. I don’t mind having the freedom to write, but I need a little more than a topic and a minimum written amount of words because for the written assignments I wasn’t sure if we could go off and ramble with the info we pulled up or we had to stick with the info that we found and keep it professional and I’m over 200 words so in summary the requirements for the blog assignments were a little vague and needed a little more info on the requirements and the presentations were boring and we hardly touched into German culture and could’ve gone deeper other than that the class was awesome. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Blog final part 1

Blog Reviews
Blog 1:
Blog 2:
All blogs were chosen through random chance by rolling two ten sided dice.

Blog 1:
It’s a little hard to tell how much care he seems to have kept up with all of his blog posts, but the blog itself lacks any color background so I’d say he cared so-so for his blog. I would give the overall informative quality a 4/5 the quality of info was good, but it was minimal. I would give the readability a 4/5 there was some typos and one of the blog posts had a font that was hard to read. I’d say the blog is a little better than mine mostly because I got a little off course and rambled a bit on some of my posts.
Blog 2:
The author showed great care for the blog it has a very nice background format and nice pictures on the blog posts. The quality of the blog was very informative 5/5. Everything in the blog is easy to read and pretty free flowing 5/5. This blog is way better than mine mostly because of how detailed it is.
Blog 3:

The author showed great care for his blog as it is very colorful in both background and posts. The quality is 5/5, very detailed and thorough. The blog gets 5/5 for the readability as it was clear and concise. The Blog is way better than mine as I said before I got into rambling in mine as well as details that may have been unnecessary.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


The Red Army Faction was one of Germany’s most violent left wing groups after World War 2. The group described themselves as a “communists and anti-imperialist urban guerilla group engaged in armed resistance” against the state which they deemed as fascist at the time. The RAF was founded by Andreas Baader, Gudrun Enisslin, Horst Mahler, and Ulrike Meinhof in 1970.

The RAF existed from 1970-1998 and committed numerous operations throughout that period. In 1977 an operation they committed lead to a national crisis known a “German Autumn”. RAF was held responsible for thirty-four deaths including many secondary targets and many injuries in its almost thirty years of activity.    

On 30 July 1977, Hanns Martin Schleyer, a former officer of the SS and NSDAP, was abducted in a violent kidnapping, soon after a letter was delivered to the Federal Government, demanding the release of eleven detainees from Stammheim. A crisis committee was formed and employed delay tactics to allow police time to discover Schleyer’s location. The crisis dragged on for more than a month, but on October 18, 1977 Hanns-Martin Schleyer was shot to death by his captors and the next day his kidnappers announced that he had been executed and revealed his locations his body was discovered later that day and the French newspaper his body was discovered later that day and the French newspaper Liberation received a letter stating “After 43 days we have ended Hanns-Martin Schleyer's pitiful and corrupt existence... His death is meaningless to our pain and our rage... The struggle has only begun. Freedom through armed, anti-imperialist struggle”. The events that happened on the autumn of 1977 are reffered to as Der Deutsche Herbst ("German Autumn").