Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Richard Wagner


Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, theatre director, polemicist and conductor. Wagner is mostly known for his operas and musical dramas and unlike most opera composers he wrote both the Libretto (lyrics) and the music for each of his operas. Wagner started out as a composer and came to revolutionize opera through his concept of Gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art), by which he sought to combine the poetic, visual, musical and dramatic arts, with music subsidiary to drama, and was announced in a series of essays from 1849 and 1859.

The compositions made during the later years in his life are notable for their complex textures, rich harmonies and orchestration. He advanced the musical language by creating extreme chromaticism and quickly shifting tonal centres, these advances greatly influenced the development of classical music. His most recognizable work would have to be Ride of the Valkyries.  

Richard Wagner’s reforms to opera made it so there was no clear separation between recitative and aria, and ensembles are completely avoided. The orchestra is treated symphonicially, with themes that are combined and developed endlessly during the course of the action.


Here is Ride of the Valkyries

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Character self revelation

I am Stanislaus Katczinsky or Kat for short. I am the unofficial leader of the company and have a distinctive sixth sense for identifying trouble and food and am very resourceful. I believe in duty and even though I do not embrace the ideals that drew me to The Great war I will still fight my heart out. My dream is to see an end to the war by having everybody receiving the same food and pay, and then go back to my family and being a cobbler.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Group project

I am sitting in a garden contemplating my life while on leave. Kat, Tjaden, Albert, Westhus, and Mueller are dead with me, Paul being the only one alive. I am thinking about the rumor of the Armistice and am conflicted on how to feel because on one end the war will be over and I will be able to go home to my family and live in peace, but on the other hand I am unable to free myself from the soldier inside me who only knows war and can do nothing else. I feel that if I return home I will come home with a broken will and be hopeless to accomplish anything. Paul is developing greatly in this chapter because he has come to realize that the only ones who understand him will be his generation because they are the ones that fought in the war. The older generations will just act like they know what he is going through or say he needs to man up while the younger generation will just be beguiled to the devastations of war.